10552354_10100816560797832_5196319629301945161_nHowdy folks,

People call me Justin, JW, J-Dub, Dubs. My day job is in advertising, but in my spare time I’m a freelance writer based in Washington, DC. I mostly write about music because it’s what I know and what I love. I’ve written (and sometimes taken photos) for the Washington City Paper, Indy Week, Triangle Music Blog, Negative Fun Records, Examiner.com, and other small blogs.

This site collects some of my favorite pieces in the “Selected Works” section. Occasionally, I also post thoughts on the blog that don’t fit anywhere else. Sometimes, I play music instead of write about it. Here’s me on tuba with the UCCH Brass in Chapel Hill:  http://youtu.be/mm8OIB_thnk.

If you have a comment, question, networking opportunity or gig you’d like to tell me about, feel free to contact me anytime on Twitter, LinkedIn or at justin (dot) weber05 (at) gmail (dot) com.